Quality meets Quality
As a truly exclusive and high quality lifestyle supplement we strive to meet our requirements year round. We know that our high valued customers cannot always order their monthly supplies online. They travel a lot, they have multiple vacation homes or they just want the ease of buying it on the go at the airport or gas-station.
“We sell quality at large quantities”
If you think your local shop meets the requirements and fits our brand, don’t hesitate to contact our retail store manager Monika to discus future business opportunities.
Contact store manager

Online stores & Athletes
We believe in today’s digital world. Even-though we believe in In-person advise when it comes to supplements, we do understand the need for online supply. We also support several professional athletes in their journey to the top. Brandambassedors in the extreme sport world and various fit celebrities. For those who qualify we have sponsor and affiliate possibilities.
“If you fit the movement, we’ll fit you”
If you think your online shop, social media page or professional sports career meets the requirements and fits our brand, don’t hesitate to contact our online manager Joel to discus future business opportunities.
Contact online manager